Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Blind Date

Blind Date

I have known Rick Wells and his wife, Alysia, for several years; we've become good friends in that time.  Rick is a writer.  Alysia is a social worker, who holds a doctorate in sociology.  She is also a writer and a sculptor.
A few years ago I gave Rick a ride home from the veterinary office where Penny worked.  We drove about four miles through Kernersville, making numerous stops and turns.  Just as we passed his street, Rick told me, "Richard, you just missed the turn."

He was right, or course, but I'm sure you're wondering now what was the point of that story.  You see, Rick and Alysia are blind - Rick since he was twenty-nine, and Alysia since she was two.  Since Rick lost his sight as an adult, he still has visual memories, but Alysia has said she dreams only in sentences.  In her recent turn as a sculptor, Alysia creates models by here sense of touch alone.

I can't help but be surprised by how little Rick's and Alysia's blindness interferes with their daily lives.  Rick said to me once, " I wish you could see what I hear."  I wish that, too, because I can't imagine how beautiful the world must sound to someone who has distracted vision.

Rick and Alysia show the courage to face life each day knowing the only images they will see are in their minds and hearts.

 This image is available on my Etsy site - 16x20, double matted, giclee for $40 + shipping.  Click here to visit my Etsy site to view this and many of my other paintings.

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